Page name: Angry People United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-05 21:11:06
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Angry People United


Do YOU get mad really easy? Like, one minute your perfectly fine, next your PISSED OFF UP THE WHAZOO?!?! Or, are you Angry at the political leader/President of your country? Are you just pissed off in general? Then this is PROBABLY where you belong. Geeze.

GOSH, Fine, I GUESS I'll tell you how to get in. Sheesh. See the list below? Yeah, that's it. Just add you're name to it, and you are in. oooh, don't you feel specail? But, um, anyways... Feel free to rant all you want or whatever... I don't really care.

I Guess if you think you're COOL enough to make a banner or whatever, you can add one. My super-great-better-than-yours banners are on there way and will be here soon, but still, you can add yours here at Angry Banners

ATTENTION!: I made some fucking awesome, (in my oppinion) New Banners... CHECK THEM OUT, DAMNIT!


Ok, Since I started the damn banner contest like ages ago, it's closed. Coolio Neko-chan wins. Only one kick-ass enough among you to actually do anything. So... yeah. Fuck everyone.

Winning Banner:Angry Banner Contest

Owner: [Maiden Donalphiel]
2.[Four Winged Fox]
4.[Night Hawk]
8.[me matas]
11.[All Gone.]
12. [Roma]
14.[Shadow of the Bat]
15. [bb5646546]
16.[stupid spork]
17.[Smile Addiction]
19.[Mulysa's Assilem]
23.[stone roses]
24.[Cafe Mocha]
25.[Adam Avenger]
26.[Last Years Craze]
27.[Falling Stars]
30.[Cause of death *broken heart*]
31.[That One Fat Bastard] when people breath it angers me
32.[The Bohemian Pixie]
33. [Alfirin Lindlea]
35. [Ghost Lilly] I hate everyone
36. [Unexpected Surprise]
37.[*Jules*] im not racest ....i hate everybody!!....equally
37. [Cherry Breath] GODDAMNIT!! >_<
38.[x Shane x]
39.[tesko suicide] ...indeed...
40.[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]ggggggggrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
41.[Eldanár Oronar]
42. [EverlastingDusk] Hatred is Everlasting.
43. [Steve*O] You know when you hear about bombs in London...those aren't bombs...those are Irish guys like me blowing up...
45.[hippychick] im not angry, im just seriously pissed off & its all your fault!!!
46.[The Assassin] whatever...just leave me be!
47[Robo33]when people get hurt I LAUGH!
48. [FUCKYOUHEDDA:)] life sucks...
49.[Mario57] FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK!!!!!!
50.[sakura_galaxy]-fucking mess with me, i will make you the new definition of a uni-k!!!!
51.[Black and White Rainbows]if u mess with me, ill rip ur head off with my bare hands and feast on ur innards. ive done it onse. i can do it agin.
52. [C-vicious] you dont like me then fuck off!
53. [Corpse_Bride]...
54. [daydreams of happyer times] people suck, they should die...yes all of you!
55.[pyrochick] i just dont like people
56. [Blaze the Nameless] Piss me off and you die.
57. [ceciliarockgurl] AHHH I hate him kill him pssh loves a lie!
58. [Neon_Corpse]People=Shit
59. [Sweet Decay.] ...fuck you all
60:[*:.\RuBbEr DuCky/.:*] dont even talk to me!
61.[no name needed]
62. [emtee_thots] damn you all!!!!
63.[Gabba Gabba Hey]
65.[New Years Revolution] angry...
68.[samantha louise!]
69.[{.*..Liz..*.} {.*Miron*.} {.*Perrine*.}]
71.[thesam-man] You will bow to me!!
72.[Jugga jigga]fuck you!
73.[mentally unstable]
72. [Lady Lucifer]
73. [Sad Lonely Angel] y wont any one leave me alone!!!
74. [emgoth] i wish people wud understand how i feel.
75. [Sad Sinner666] I hate you...really hate you!
76. [more meredith please!] so many stupid people so little time.....
77. [*ninde*]
78. [Wings_Of_Isis]
79. [PophicalVenus] fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck y'all
80. khronik15
82. [justlikelastime]
83. [Vameyre]
84. [Greeds Gurlie ^-^]
86. [Suicidal Moon]
87.[Neko the Kitty] I'm a happy person but if you piss me off...
88. [omgOMEGA] I get annoyed at everyone!!!!!! I have to see a psychiatrist!
89. [Santanna Is Deleted] im not mad all the time i think *looks around*
90. [Marine_chick27] u guys are stupid...
91. [gangsta babi gurl] yeargh urgh im an angry hippo
92.[Akayume]stupid people annoy me.....die stupid people! *cough solvieg cough*
93. [slyce69]
95. [wreckless]
96. [~Crimson Angel~]It will get ugly if you make me mad.
97. [silent_voice] *Angry glare*
98. [Stormy Sky] If I get called cute one more fucking time....
99.[cap'n sharkbait - the sword test dummy] i dont discriminate, i hate everyone
100. [kataralinet] very much so
101. [fake romances] *runs with knife* grrrr

Username (or number or email):


2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe*smiles bigly*:D

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *pokes TryBeingMe*

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe wow lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe i'm not gonna keep doin it or my computer teacher might yell at me lol... i want to runa out of my school ,hop on a trian , and go downtoen or someething!!!!!!! aaahh sav me!

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: whoa

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: umm okie

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: I love being left-handed... YOU GUYS SUCK!

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: my sister is left handed![me matas]

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol okie *skateboards down hill*

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: *shoves brick in front of skateboard*

2005-10-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *Does an ollie over brick* =P hehehe

2005-10-30 [omgOMEGA]: *shoves brick wall in front of skateboard* Sooo sadistic... and masochistic...

2005-10-31 [Ghost Lilly]: Im amidextius (dont know if I spelled it right though ^-^;)

2005-11-01 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *turns skateboard in different direction* ehh *jumps off skateboard and settles in the grass looking at the sky*...

2005-11-01 [omgOMEGA]: ambidextrous I thiiiiink... *throws a brick on top of DWUTM*

2005-11-02 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wat is it with u and bricks *watches it thud on the ground next to self* ...ehh

2005-11-02 [Ghost Lilly]: lol

2005-11-04 [omgOMEGA]: Nothing... I just like attack people with them *throws bricks through windows*

2005-11-07 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ahhha got cha *picks up the brick on the ground next to self and throws it through a window* err that was kinda fun!

2005-11-08 [omgOMEGA]: *throws bricks at random things including people*

2005-11-09 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *joins in* tehehe i'm evil

2005-11-09 [Ghost Lilly]: OO AHHH *runs from bricks*

2005-11-09 [omgOMEGA]: *throws bricks*

2005-11-10 [Ghost Lilly]: *trips* ahhh!!! *lands on face* owie.... O-O

2005-11-10 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *jumps up in the rafters*

2005-11-12 [Ghost Lilly]: T_T

2005-11-12 [omgOMEGA]: *burns the rafters and stares into corner*

2005-11-13 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *is depressed*

2005-11-14 [omgOMEGA]: *stares into corner*

2005-11-15 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *stops throwing bricks and helps Neko-Chan up* okie?

2005-11-16 [Ghost Lilly]: ^-^ YAY!!! Someone fianly noticed me lieing on the ground crying! and I just got a few scrapes ^-^

2005-11-16 [omgOMEGA]: *stares into corner*

2005-11-16 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *is in deep thought as tears run down ones face*

2005-11-17 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: man*whimpers* oh no!*gasp* *runs over to Angel and gives wicked huge hug* what's wrong?!

2005-11-18 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs back and smiles ever so faintly* oneof my friends commited suicide!

2005-11-18 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: no ur kidding!*mager dramatic gasp* *hugs angel very hard now* ohh i'm thrry!

2005-11-21 [omgOMEGA]: Poor dear! Did they... um... die?

2005-11-21 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oviously other wise she would have said her friend TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE! *pokes Iuguolo hard in the side*

2005-11-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *hyperventilates and hugs back*

2005-11-26 [omgOMEGA]: Sorry... I seem to lack tact alot of the time... *hugs alot*

2005-11-26 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *cries* i can hear his voice everywhere i go!!!

2005-11-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ohh that's so sad! my cousin tried to commit suicide once...she didn't though ....she said her life sucks, when clearly my life sucks more than hers and u don't see me with a nife in my hand slitting my rists! but anyways...i'm truely srry fer u...*Continues hugging*

2005-11-30 [~RainbowBullets~]: wow depressing

2005-11-30 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yeah*sighs* i once made a really bad poem about it..i was thinkin bout suicide

2005-11-30 [omgOMEGA]: me too... i still am...

2005-11-30 [~RainbowBullets~]: yeah i can compare

2005-12-01 [me matas]: ello ello whats up my fellow angry friends?

2005-12-01 [~RainbowBullets~]: um.... anger??? HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW!!

2005-12-05 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *calms trinity* no don't commit suicide! don't event think of it! *huggles Iuguolo*

2005-12-05 [omgOMEGA]: *collapses on floor*

2005-12-06 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *goes in a corner away from everyone and continues to cry*

2005-12-06 [omgOMEGA]: *strokes and smacks head against wall*

2005-12-07 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *curls up in a ball with my bunny and silently cries*

2005-12-08 [~RainbowBullets~]: *walks up to angel* r u ok???

2005-12-08 [omgOMEGA]: *stops stroking and concentrates on cutting veins*

2005-12-09 [~RainbowBullets~]: ... ok!!! ^^ *grabs razor blade*

2005-12-09 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *looks at [~RainbowBullets~]* i have a lot of pain and anger to deal with, and this is all i can come up with that doesnt involve razor blades *looks at [omgOMEGA]*

2005-12-11 [omgOMEGA]: *looks back*

2005-12-12 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *burns razor* dammit i hate cutters! * walks up to Angel and strokes hair.* wat's rong? *hugs*

2005-12-12 [Ghost Lilly]: You shouldnt say you hate cutters... -.- You just hate the cutting? Right?

2005-12-13 [~RainbowBullets~]: ... hmm you hate me...

2005-12-14 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: Nopedon't hate u!, ohh yeah that's wat i meant sister used to cut... i just hate the cutting not the person... it's not reall their fault. *hugs trinity even harder*

2005-12-14 [~RainbowBullets~]: _O hugs burn

2005-12-14 [Ghost Lilly]: YAY!!! *hugs Trinity too* group hug!!!!

2005-12-15 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: I love hugs, whoop whoop!

2005-12-16 [Sad Lonely Angel]: people play sick jokes, and toy with others emotions.......i hate it when they toy with mine!!! *tears fall from my face*

2005-12-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *wipes tear away* i hate ir 2 but there isn't a thing u can do so don't bother wasting precious tears on it...

2005-12-16 [omgOMEGA]: *hides in corner again*

2005-12-17 [~RainbowBullets~]: ???

2005-12-17 [Ghost Lilly]: -.- Oh, everyone is so sad. *hugs everyone*

2005-12-17 [~RainbowBullets~]: _O DIDNT YOU HERE ME BEFORE!!!!

2005-12-18 [omgOMEGA]: *hides in corner*

2005-12-18 [Ghost Lilly]: Yes... I did, I just choose to igore you. Hugs are healthy for you.

2005-12-18 [omgOMEGA]: *cries*

2005-12-19 [Ghost Lilly]: Whats wrong Iuguolo Mihi Pro Diluculo?

2005-12-19 [~RainbowBullets~]: huh

2005-12-20 [Ghost Lilly]: Im asking them whats wrong??!??!?!?!

2005-12-20 [omgOMEGA]: my life sucks.

2005-12-20 [~RainbowBullets~]: yeah i have a friend that is really bitchy

2005-12-21 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: y does ur life suck?

2005-12-21 [Ghost Lilly]: You know what I like to call my friends when they are being bicthy... becuse it cheers me up, "Bitch Cat" ^-^

2005-12-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: I just enojy chering up my friends. I don't have any bitchy friends. We're only bitchy when it comes to PMS.

2005-12-21 [omgOMEGA]: This girl who used to (i think) be my friend just called me a slag.

2005-12-22 [Blaze the Nameless]: A slag?

2005-12-22 [omgOMEGA]: Yup. A slag.

2005-12-23 [Blaze the Nameless]: What's that?

2005-12-23 [omgOMEGA]: like a slut.

2005-12-23 [Blaze the Nameless]: It almost sounds like she put slut and hag together.

2005-12-25 [omgOMEGA]: It's a real word.

2005-12-26 [Blaze the Nameless]: Wow. Never heard it.

2005-12-26 [omgOMEGA]: Meh. Are you english? Or normal?

2005-12-26 [Blaze the Nameless]: English or normal? What's suppose to mean?

2005-12-27 [omgOMEGA]: well are you english? oR NOT?

2005-12-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: No, I'm not English.

2005-12-27 [omgOMEGA]: So then you're normal... it's probably an english word...

2005-12-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah, I bet

2005-12-27 [omgOMEGA]: yais, english people are just weird...

2005-12-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: English people are awesome!

2005-12-28 [omgOMEGA]: trust me, they aren't... now, are you gonna help me shoot tony blair or not?

2005-12-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: No.

2005-12-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *poofs into the rafters* hi everyone *decks a rafter* and starts looking through my pockets

2005-12-31 [Maiden Donalphiel]: *peeks in* Yo. I haven't been around in FOREVER. Totally was kicked off the computer... how is everyone?

2006-01-01 [omgOMEGA]: HOW DARE YOU BLAZE!!! Okay, who wants to help me assasinate first Tony Blair, then George Bush?

2006-01-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: I love the British. There is nothing that can change that!

2006-01-03 [Sad Lonely Angel]: O.o okaay *find what i was looking for and then pulls up my pant leg and carves something*

2006-01-07 [omgOMEGA]: *starts tattooing arm*

2006-01-07 [Sad Lonely Angel]: whose arm?

2006-01-09 [omgOMEGA]: mine...

2006-01-10 [Maiden Donalphiel]: carving/tattooing? ouchums

2006-01-10 [Sad Lonely Angel]: pain is good, and so is blood it lets one know one is alive!!!

2006-01-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i will halp assasinate bush ..but don't no who other guy is... thrry

2006-01-14 [~RainbowBullets~]: sure

2006-01-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: that soundsx good! lol

2006-01-25 [~RainbowBullets~]: yeah

2006-01-28 [omgOMEGA]: *cackles evily* et multus sanguis fluit Hey, DWUTM, do you live in a big hole? Tony Blair is prime minister of England dude!!!

2006-01-31 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oooo gotcha!

2006-02-01 [omgOMEGA]: Goood...

2006-02-02 [~RainbowBullets~]: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2006-02-02 [Sad Lonely Angel]: O.o

2006-02-02 [omgOMEGA]: fish.

2006-02-03 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: kitties!

2006-02-05 [Sad Lonely Angel]: O.o okaaaaay

2006-02-06 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe *happy jig*

2006-02-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: lol

2006-02-12 [omgOMEGA]: fish!

2006-02-12 [Sad Lonely Angel]: where?

2006-02-27 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: fishy!!!

2006-02-28 [Sad Lonely Angel]: okay

2006-03-03 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe

2006-03-09 [Sad Lonely Angel]: lol

2006-03-22 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: shazam!

2006-03-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: okay

2006-04-20 [Sad Lonely Angel]: ne ways, meanwhile back on the ranch while the deer and the antelope play....

2006-04-20 [Ghost Lilly]: O_o

2006-04-23 [~RainbowBullets~]: eh

2006-04-23 [Sad Lonely Angel]: oh wow, there are other people out there.

2006-04-23 [~RainbowBullets~]: lol yeah

2006-04-23 [Sad Lonely Angel]: coolness. how are ya?

2006-04-24 [Ghost Lilly]: What did you think there wasnt anyone out there. ^-^;p

2006-04-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: oh yeah

2006-04-24 [Ghost Lilly]: lol

2006-04-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: no had commented in a while ^_^

2006-05-12 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i no no one is one this site anymore... i might cry!

2006-05-12 [Ghost Lilly]: Im on... O~O

2006-05-17 [me matas]: yes i knwo jesus

2006-05-17 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: thank god! *hugs*

2006-06-30 [wreckless]: <img:> i made a banner

2006-07-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: you would'nt like me when i'm mad

2006-07-22 [That One Fat Bastard]: thats great

2006-07-22 [Blaze the Nameless]: Sweet

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-23 [That One Fat Bastard]: wow... im speechless

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: why?

2006-07-23 [That One Fat Bastard]: that banner is awesome

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: oh

2006-08-20 [~RainbowBullets~]: cool

2006-08-22 [omgOMEGA]: I like hugging people.

2006-08-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: me too

2006-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: same here

2006-08-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *hugs everyone and gives them red roses*

2006-08-26 [silent_voice]: Then its all gone *Heavy metal*

2006-08-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok....


2006-08-26 [silent_voice]: Lol that is awesoem

2006-08-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep


2006-08-26 [silent_voice]: lol

2006-08-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-08-26 [silent_voice]: Okay well lets talk about something other than boobies and stuff

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-08-27 [silent_voice]: Roear!

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-08-27 [silent_voice]: I think that the world needs a coffee break!

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-08-27 [silent_voice]: Definately

2006-08-27 [omgOMEGA]: *needs to poke something* *or someone*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: don't poke me.

2006-08-28 [silent_voice]: Ya dont wanna piss me off matey

2006-08-29 [omgOMEGA]: Can people please vote on my poll on my page? Thank yoooou! *pokes some cheese*

2006-08-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok...

2006-10-20 [Sad Lonely Angel]: hullo -jumps up in the rafters-

2006-10-20 [Stormy Sky]: omg, that naruto+sasuke thing is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too funny.

2006-10-20 [Stormy Sky]: I would totally watch that, but I don't have a sound thingy right now.

2006-10-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: oh,ok

2006-10-20 [Stormy Sky]: I will when I get the chance though. I love a good laugh.

2006-10-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-10-24 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Wowsers. Are people still here, eh? I haven't been on in... months.

2006-10-24 [silent_voice]: Yeah i kinda forgot about this place

2006-10-24 [Stormy Sky]: ...?

2006-10-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep gtg

2006-10-30 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i haven't been on in almost a year! i haven't any internet access ... but i'm bacvk!

2006-10-31 [Stormy Sky]: yay

2006-11-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY!

2006-11-06 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: Yay! *hugs everyone!*

2006-11-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: *hugs*

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